Sunday, August 30, 2009

Hola From Buenos Aires!!

Well I got to the airport and there were men swarming around me... "Necesita taxi?" "NO", I kept snapping; C'mon it was a 13 hr flight and I didnt need a damn taxi. I was waiting for a ride from my Road2Argentina program...

Apparently I didn't read my pre-departure directions well enough, because I was supposed to go to the Taxi stand and give them my name. WHATEVER... after all that was squared away and I got in my taxi the drive thru the city was phenomenal. Apparently the lines in the road are for show, because no one stayed in their lane. Driving here isnt as bad as the driving in Costa Rica, but it is definitely a close second!!

The taxi ride gave me a glimpse of a city I only dreamed about. I passed every major metropolitan area in the States... Miami, LA, Chicago, and mostly New York. The 'inglesias" (churches) resembled that of Rome or Madrid... the architecture of the city is so grand I thought I was in Europe for a moment!

I couldnt take all the pictures I wanted to because my camera was in the trunk of the taxi. The taxi driver tried to make conversation, because he knew I didnt understand him.

Taxi driver: De donde esta?

Me: Soy de Estados Unidos

Taxi Driver: Ahh, si? De donde?

Me: Chicago

Taxi Driver: Uhhh ....Chicago....

ME: Michael Jordan

Taxi Driver: AHHHH Si, si. Michael Jordan!!!

...Thank God for a universal language!! LOL


  1. Interesting Mz Horton.....will you keep us updated everyday?...That would be lovely...

  2. No Chadwick im not gonna keep you updated everyday... I have shyt to do!! :-P

  3. Im loving it. Make sure you take it all in eevry moment never back down from an adventure. Have fun Chica.

  4. Why is it listing me as Anonymous asked Juanita

  5. Because Juanita you have to sign in thru the blog!
