This is kinda cool! He is sooo funeee!

Get OldSpice on your voicemail.
Later that night I decide that I’m in the mood for some of that there watermelon and that I was going to take the time to slice it up. I took one thick slice off the stem end surprised not to see even the slightest bit of pink on it. Another slice and still no pink. The whole damn thing was yellow inside. A yellow flesh watermelon!
I’d heard of yellow watermelon before and our friends over a Wikipedia say that the yellow watermelons are much sweeter than your regular variety. This particular watermelon however happens to be a loser on all accounts.
Not only is it yellow, but it’s not the least bit sweet. Instead, the yellow flesh tastes like rind normally does and there are these fibrous patches throughout it.
I should just throw it out, but I’m a cheap bastard, so I’m going to be damn sure that I eat every disgusting piece of it.
--LMAO. Cause mine taste like wet fruit and Im going to eat every last piece of it too!! lol.